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Our events

Here is what we offer

There is an incident at the castle. We need you to solve the mystery and help the newlyweds on their honeymoon.

photo du château avec des décorations de pâques devant


photo de tentes et de voitures militaires dans le parc du château de Fontaine-Henry


Thanks to superb associations, come and take part in the "guinguette de la Libération": dance party, refreshment bar, survey and lantern release.

Discover medieval life thanks to our partners who will take you back in time.


Games and Chivalry Festival

For the European Heritage Days, the castle opens its doors to give you an insight into its long family history.

photo du château

European Heritage Days

2 routes: one for the youngest who love Norman folklore and another for the more adventurous who prefer the legends surrounding the family and the castle...

photo du château avec des citrouilles au premier plan pour Halloween


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