Association Friends of Fontaine-Henry Castle
Would you like to take part in writing a story ? Would you like to support the castle in its projects and renovations ?
How to help us?
Preserving, restoring and securing the Fontaine-Henry castle is a necessary and unavoidable task. After its chapel, which is threatened with collapse, it is now the Gothic balustrade and the dining room gallery that must be saved.
The safety of the gothic balustrade and its restoration are an absolute priority. The flamboyant facade is topped by a balustrade (left), part of which is in danger of collapsing into the main courtyard. Originally, the facade had two dormer windows. One of these was removed and replaced by a balustrade identical to the one already present, but the stone used for this replacement is not of as good quality as the rest of the balustrade. Today, this part is totally eroded and threatens to collapse.
Your support will also be used to replace the electrical system in the gallery of the dining room, as the outdated electricity is a fire hazard for the building.
If you wish to support us, you can join and/or make a donation through the helloasso website below :
You can also contact us by e-mail at the following address: bienvenue@chateaudefontainehenry.com. Your donations are tax deductible up to 66% (for a donation of 30€) for an individual and up to 60% for a company.
Come and see us, visit our estate, tell your friends and family about us, follow us on social networks, these are also ways to support us.
We would like to thank our donors once again. Thank you for keeping our domain alive !